What makes up the modern workplace in most companies is the high speed of operation and large data handling. Statistics estimate almost thirty hours spent in meetings every month! That’s a lot of time – meaning that the conference or meeting rooms are always going to be occupied. Fortunately, there’s a way to make sure this isn’t wasted time and ensure that the meetings are of high quality and not a waste of company resources. The answer is getting a conference room booking system. This goes beyond establishing agendas and prepping the meeting participants on time. By booking meeting rooms on time and avoiding the delays of finding an unoccupied room to conference, companies will be able to save time. With that being said, here are key reasons why you need to have a meeting room system in place in your workplace:
Avoid Disturbances During Meetings
Open space offices are common, and they likely will be for many years to come. However, this office plan comes with problems of its own – lack of privacy to host small groups and meetings. Open space offices come with a lot of interruptions, which affect the progression of the meetings. A separate room with a door to prevent distractions is essential for a productive meeting.
Saves Times
A lot of time is unnecessarily wasted on walking around looking for a free room. By the time you get there and find that’s occupied, valuable time is already running that should be going into growing the company. With a booking system, you won’t have to walk around as the rooms appear online, clearly displaying which ones are occupied and vacant.
Prevents Double-Booking
Most companies rely on a conference room booking system that entails signing up for the room via email. This system, however, is inefficient when it comes to last minute pop-up meetings. Imagine having pre-booked a room, but someone gets there before you, finds the room empty and they start their meeting there. With an effective meeting room booking system in place, different groups don’t have to run into awkward situations where a room they thought was allocated to them has in fact, been double booked. The updates are in real time and are very efficient.
In Conclusion
So, there you have it – all the reasons why your company needs to have a meeting room system. Get one in place today and ensure that you use precious company time to boost productivity! Visit Aristostar to explore how you can boost your company’s productivity today.